Don't make up lies for the sake of having a reason to end a relationship. Learn about the importance of telling the truth when ending relationships with advice in this free video from an interpersonal communications expert.
Expert: Tracy Goodwin
Bio: Tracy has a masters in corporate communication and ten years experience in professional speaking.
Filmmaker: MAKE | MEDIA
Ending a relationship can be quite painful and the partners involved should take utmost care in parting with dignity. There are some good ways in which you can end a relationship.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Ways to End Relationships : Ending Relationships: Telling the Truth
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
10 very bad ways to break up with your girlfriend ( Must watch)
Take a break and relax......enjoy this tips.
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Ways to End Relationships : Ending Relationships: Following Through
It would be better to hear for yourself how the expert teaches you on how to break up perfect.
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Trust In Relationships
Is This A Requirement For A Successful Marriage or Relationship?
Trust in relationships could be considered one of the essential requirements for the success of a good marriage or relationship. It is essential for a healthy relationship.
Trust is absolutely pivotal in order for a relationship to work. Where there is no trust, it effects the relationship in so many ways, and there are relationship questions, like cheating relationship questions.
When there is a lack of trust there is continuous suspicion and doubt about many things, raising a lot of relationship questions to ask.
One is left questioning everything, and wondering if certain behavior or activities are other examples of a breach of trust in the relationship.
So much so that it can get to the point where a person is so effected they are never able to be at ease, even thinking that cheating in relationships, is part of what happens in relationships.
When the couple are not together, whether this be during the day when each is at work, or if one party is out somewhere else at other times.
This lack of trust in the relationship, can be effecting the person so much who feels there has been a violation of trust, that asking relationship questions becomes a constant focus.
They can be thinking, “what is he/she up to now,” “can I be sure they are where they said they would be, or are going.”
The effects can be devastating, and have a major impact on the ongoing level of confidence in the marriage.
Trust in relationships can become an issue with some couples if one of the partners has a friendship with a person of the opposite sex.
There tends to be a belief with a lot of people, that it is not possible to have platonic relationships with anyone not of the same sex.
This can be a relationship issue threatening trust in relationships no matter how long people have been together or what age they are, and can become a serious relationship problem.
This is rather a shame, as it is surely possible to have platonic relationships without suspecting there has to be sexual activity involved, leading to having grounds for a lack of trust in relationships.
Unfortunately, this is very common, as there is such a strong view generally, that men and women can’t have platonic relationships.
This can be the case, particularly with people who have cynical attitudes who tend to be skeptical and distrustful in their approach to life.
Another threat to trust in relationships can be if either partner has experienced a breakdown in trust in a previous relationship.
Sometimes people have not come to terms with this issue from a former relationship, and it can be useful to seek professional help if that is the case.
Associated with this, is that there can be self esteem issues that need to be addressed. In simple terms, it can be a matter of,"I wasn’t good enough before, how can I be now".
There can be ongoing lack of trust in relationships. In a lot of marriages and relationships there is clear evidence for the distrust.
When this happens, it is unlikely the relationship can survive to the satisfaction of both partners, in which case it is going to be preferable for the couple not to stay together and to consider ways to end relationships.
It is simply a matter of good relationships are built on trust, and without it, there is no foundation for the survival of the relationship.
I have tended to focus on the issues associated with when there is a lack, or breakdown of trust, in relationships.
It is important to emphasize that when there is trust in relationships, it is a wonderful experience for you.
It means you can be at ease with each other and have a totally different experience. You have a connection and level of intimacy that is intense and deep-seated, allowing you to enjoy life to the fullest.
You have such a level of trust in your relationship that is beyond the wildest dreams of most people, and you feel very special.
Leo Ryan is a counselor with over twenty years experience in the field dealing primarily with relationships and particularly abusive relationships. He has given many talks, seminars and workshops on the subject to a range of groups including doctors, nurses, police, politicians, counselors, church groups etc., as well as being interviewed by all sectors of the media about his work. He is the author of the ebook "How to Have An Extraordinary Relationship".
Article Source:
P.S.-Trust in relationships could be considered one of the essential requirements for the success of a good marriage or relationship. It is essential for a healthy relationship.Trust is absolutely pivotal in order for a relationship to work. Where there is no trust, it effects the relationship in so many ways, and there are continual questions like cheating relationship questions.When there is a lack of trust there is ongoing suspicion and doubt raising a lot of relationship questions.
Trust in relationships could be considered one of the essential requirements for the success of a good marriage or relationship. It is essential for a healthy relationship.
Trust is absolutely pivotal in order for a relationship to work. Where there is no trust, it effects the relationship in so many ways, and there are relationship questions, like cheating relationship questions.
When there is a lack of trust there is continuous suspicion and doubt about many things, raising a lot of relationship questions to ask.
One is left questioning everything, and wondering if certain behavior or activities are other examples of a breach of trust in the relationship.
So much so that it can get to the point where a person is so effected they are never able to be at ease, even thinking that cheating in relationships, is part of what happens in relationships.
When the couple are not together, whether this be during the day when each is at work, or if one party is out somewhere else at other times.
This lack of trust in the relationship, can be effecting the person so much who feels there has been a violation of trust, that asking relationship questions becomes a constant focus.
They can be thinking, “what is he/she up to now,” “can I be sure they are where they said they would be, or are going.”
The effects can be devastating, and have a major impact on the ongoing level of confidence in the marriage.
Trust in relationships can become an issue with some couples if one of the partners has a friendship with a person of the opposite sex.
There tends to be a belief with a lot of people, that it is not possible to have platonic relationships with anyone not of the same sex.
This can be a relationship issue threatening trust in relationships no matter how long people have been together or what age they are, and can become a serious relationship problem.
This is rather a shame, as it is surely possible to have platonic relationships without suspecting there has to be sexual activity involved, leading to having grounds for a lack of trust in relationships.
Unfortunately, this is very common, as there is such a strong view generally, that men and women can’t have platonic relationships.
This can be the case, particularly with people who have cynical attitudes who tend to be skeptical and distrustful in their approach to life.
Another threat to trust in relationships can be if either partner has experienced a breakdown in trust in a previous relationship.
Sometimes people have not come to terms with this issue from a former relationship, and it can be useful to seek professional help if that is the case.
Associated with this, is that there can be self esteem issues that need to be addressed. In simple terms, it can be a matter of,"I wasn’t good enough before, how can I be now".
There can be ongoing lack of trust in relationships. In a lot of marriages and relationships there is clear evidence for the distrust.
When this happens, it is unlikely the relationship can survive to the satisfaction of both partners, in which case it is going to be preferable for the couple not to stay together and to consider ways to end relationships.
It is simply a matter of good relationships are built on trust, and without it, there is no foundation for the survival of the relationship.
I have tended to focus on the issues associated with when there is a lack, or breakdown of trust, in relationships.
It is important to emphasize that when there is trust in relationships, it is a wonderful experience for you.
It means you can be at ease with each other and have a totally different experience. You have a connection and level of intimacy that is intense and deep-seated, allowing you to enjoy life to the fullest.
You have such a level of trust in your relationship that is beyond the wildest dreams of most people, and you feel very special.
Leo Ryan is a counselor with over twenty years experience in the field dealing primarily with relationships and particularly abusive relationships. He has given many talks, seminars and workshops on the subject to a range of groups including doctors, nurses, police, politicians, counselors, church groups etc., as well as being interviewed by all sectors of the media about his work. He is the author of the ebook "How to Have An Extraordinary Relationship".
Article Source:
P.S.-Trust in relationships could be considered one of the essential requirements for the success of a good marriage or relationship. It is essential for a healthy relationship.Trust is absolutely pivotal in order for a relationship to work. Where there is no trust, it effects the relationship in so many ways, and there are continual questions like cheating relationship questions.When there is a lack of trust there is ongoing suspicion and doubt raising a lot of relationship questions.
Advice To People Who Want To Break Up
Want to know how to end a relationship in a decent manner? It’s not easy for the person who’s about to receive the bad news; and it likewise isn’t any easier for the one who has to end it. Despite it being such a trying moment, however, this does not give people the excuse of not finishing a relationship the right way.
Hard as it is to end a relationship, you won’t believe the way other people have tried to do it. A lot of people opt to take the cowardly way out because they couldn’t handle ending the whole thing bravely.
Breaking up is not pleasant, but breaking up through email or something definitely makes the whole experience ten times worse.
Tip # 1 On How To End A Relationship: Do It In Person.
There is no great way to end a relationship, frankly speaking. But there are so many ways you can make it worse, so try to avoid them at least.
The noblest thing you can do is to end a relationship in person. No emails. No letters. And most certainly no post-its… And this is probably worst of all… No asking someone else to do it for you. I know you think that this last statement is highly improbable and funny but you’d be surprised what desperate and cowardly people can do.
Tip # 2 On How To End A Relationship: Do It In Private.
I don’t know why, but a lot of people seem to think that it’s best to end a relationship in a restaurant. Worse; they do it in a restaurant with lots of other people.
You know that this dinner won’t have a happy ending. Most likely, you’ll leave the other person in tears or in a state of embarrassment.
If you’re going to end a relationship, you should do it in private. Why? Because your private affairs should remain between the two of you alone. Because you owe that other person that much. Because both of you will be in a very vulnerable state.
Tip # 3 On How To End A Relationship: Stick To Your Decision.
Make up your mind. Don’t end a relationship only to have second doubts and take back what you said. If you’re not ready to end a relationship, don’t. If you’re having problems, talk about them but don’t break up just yet.
Sometimes, you might end up getting back with an ex after a few months or a year… But trying to get back together with your lover just days after breaking his or her heart, and then having doubts about the relationship again, will only create trouble.
There is no great way to end a relationship. It’s not a pleasant thing at all. However, there are ways to do it right. Ways that take into account what you might have been through. So if you’re thinking of taking the cowardly route, I’d advise you to stop typing that email and gather your courage this one last time.
Discover how you can easily attract the opposite sex using flirting body language and the power of mind control techniques. Grab your FREE course that reveals 10 groundbreaking persuasion and mind control secrets at
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by Lee, Michael
P.S.-There is no great way to end a relationship. It’s not a pleasant thing at all. However, there are ways to do it right. This article shows you how.
Hard as it is to end a relationship, you won’t believe the way other people have tried to do it. A lot of people opt to take the cowardly way out because they couldn’t handle ending the whole thing bravely.
Breaking up is not pleasant, but breaking up through email or something definitely makes the whole experience ten times worse.
Tip # 1 On How To End A Relationship: Do It In Person.
There is no great way to end a relationship, frankly speaking. But there are so many ways you can make it worse, so try to avoid them at least.
The noblest thing you can do is to end a relationship in person. No emails. No letters. And most certainly no post-its… And this is probably worst of all… No asking someone else to do it for you. I know you think that this last statement is highly improbable and funny but you’d be surprised what desperate and cowardly people can do.
Tip # 2 On How To End A Relationship: Do It In Private.
I don’t know why, but a lot of people seem to think that it’s best to end a relationship in a restaurant. Worse; they do it in a restaurant with lots of other people.
You know that this dinner won’t have a happy ending. Most likely, you’ll leave the other person in tears or in a state of embarrassment.
If you’re going to end a relationship, you should do it in private. Why? Because your private affairs should remain between the two of you alone. Because you owe that other person that much. Because both of you will be in a very vulnerable state.
Tip # 3 On How To End A Relationship: Stick To Your Decision.
Make up your mind. Don’t end a relationship only to have second doubts and take back what you said. If you’re not ready to end a relationship, don’t. If you’re having problems, talk about them but don’t break up just yet.
Sometimes, you might end up getting back with an ex after a few months or a year… But trying to get back together with your lover just days after breaking his or her heart, and then having doubts about the relationship again, will only create trouble.
There is no great way to end a relationship. It’s not a pleasant thing at all. However, there are ways to do it right. Ways that take into account what you might have been through. So if you’re thinking of taking the cowardly route, I’d advise you to stop typing that email and gather your courage this one last time.
Discover how you can easily attract the opposite sex using flirting body language and the power of mind control techniques. Grab your FREE course that reveals 10 groundbreaking persuasion and mind control secrets at
Article Source:
by Lee, Michael
P.S.-There is no great way to end a relationship. It’s not a pleasant thing at all. However, there are ways to do it right. This article shows you how.
Five Good Ways To End A Relationship

People form relationships with the intention of making it last forever. But fortunately or unfortunately, as the case may be, many of these relationships do not last for long. Ending a relationship can be quite painful and the partners involved should take utmost care in parting with dignity. There are some good ways in which you can end a relationship.
1. You might end a relationship with your partner because of some personal differences. But when you part you should always see to it that you are not hurting your partner in anyway. The best thing for you to do would be to explain the reasons openly in an objective manner and convince your partner about your decision so that her/she is not left in the dark about matters and feel sorry for the break up.
2. When you want to end a relationship clearly talk out the entire issue with your partner. Do not avoid your partner by not talking to him/her or not answering his/her phone calls. This will only give the wrong message to your partner. You should bravely and unemotionally approach the entire situation and handle it.
3. When you want to convey about breaking up, it is always better for you to communicate the message by meeting your partner and talking to him face to face. You should not convey such vital information over the telephone or the email because your partner might have so many questions in his/her mind. Your partner might feel that you are deceiving him/her and would want you to furnish justifications. Many times, textual or verbal messages that are unaided by nonverbal cues can convey the wrong message. Usually phone calls lead to misunderstandings and further fights. That might actually lead to a bad break up.
4. Even though you have the intentions of breaking up, choose an appropriate moment. Do not convey the information when your partner is under some kind of stress or trouble or immediately after he/she has expressed his/her liking for you or has spent huge amounts of money in getting an expensive gift for you. You might have no feeling for your partner but you should always respect his/her feelings for you even though you intend to break up.
5. The place where you intend to convey the news also matters. Do not break the bad news at public places because your partner might not want the world to see his/her reactions when he/she is absorbing the news. But it depends upon the personality of your partner. If he/she is an emotionally strong person, you might as well convey it in a public place.
Whatever method you choose, it is always better for you to always put yourself in the place of your partner and see how best you can convey the information without hurting that person much.
by Jason Callum
Jason Callum frequently provides information and advice on dating, relationships and social events. Current readers of his articles might be interested in sites where you can meet Lesbian Couples and Hot Sexy Women for dating.
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P.S.-People form relationships with the intention of making it last forever. But fortunately or unfortunately, as the case may be, many of these relationships do not last for long.
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